Unboxing Top 30 Chess Books for Advanced Players (2000+ ELO)
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
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1. Comment down below which 5 books do you think I'm giving away for the chance to win 1 book of the 5 (The first comment that gets it wins, one guess per person)
2. One random viewer of my Instagram story will get one of the 5 books for free :)
3. Send me your receipt from Sunrise Chess at my email thechessnerdbusiness@gmail.com to automatically enter a raffle with the chance of winning 1 of the 3 other books I'm giving away.
Top 5 Chess Books for Beginners (0-1200): shorturl.at/yFlkk
Top 5 Chess Books for Intermediate Players (1200-1800): shorturl.at/Km7SV
I played vs Judit Polgar: shorturl.at/Ofm2F
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chess chess game chess player chess country FIDE pawn endgames sub battle en passant botez gambit chess in public chess gambit chess opening chess tactics checkmate chess.com magnus carlsen agadmatore chess lesson chess master fide master grandmaster international master
100 endgames you must know
The woodpecker method
Positional decision making in chess
Boost your chess
My system
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Those were the 5 books :) It took over a month but finally guessed! I thought it might not happen !!!
Please email me your postal address at thechessnerdbusiness@gmail.com
Merry Christmas & Happy New year!
Still can't believe i WON!! You have no idea how much I aprecciate your action! God bless you! Love from Brazil❤
@@thechessnerd It was 2 months ago :(
The chess books I wanted:
1.Chess for zebras
2.positional decision making in chess
3. The secret of rook endings
and some for my middlegame practices
Long to chase my dream:)
1. 100 Endgames you must know
2. Street Smart chess
3. Pump up your rating
4. The Woodpecker method
5. Dvoretzky's Endgame Manual
I really like your content, especially when you stream your OTB chess. When will your next tourney be? Anyways here are the 5 books I think you're going to send:
1. Woodpecker method
2. Pump up your rating
3. Attack and defense
4. Soviet Middlegame technique
5. End game strategy.
Like + Sub + Guess the 5 сhess books I’m givinf away for a chance to win 1! Good luck :)
I'm guessing you'll give away the most "beginner or boring" ones, so:
Soviet Middlegame Technique
Chess Praxis (these two books are russian and are of a different style)
My System (this book may be outdated)
Pump up Your rating (you think you're high rated)
Attack and Defense
I thought about Under the Surface, but you would want to enjoy that.
I like your videos and
I am 13
Plz give me atleast one book
If you cannot sent me pdf
100 endgame pattern you must know
You need to have another give away like this Zack
1.woodpecker method
2.advanced chess tactics
3.endgame strategy
4.soviet middle game technique
5.attack and defense
nice video, it would be very cool if you made a video where you show us all your books recommending them based on strength level
I have two more books videos in the description on beginner and intermediate, I get back home late December and will do a full library tour!
@@thechessnerd that will be great, thanks!
Man you guys are getting close! Many got 2 correct, a few got 3 correct and one person got 4 out of 5!!
1. Woodpecker method
2. My greatest Predecessors
3. Calculation by Jacob Aagard
4.Small steps to Giant improvement
5. Pump up your rating
Great selection Zach! The feeling of new chess books just feels different
Btw I absolutely adore Positional decision making by Gelfand, I’ve learned so much from that and gotten a great appreciation for Rubinstein while reading it!
Also Carlsen’s middlegame evolution is fantastic and no one talks about it! That Carlsen vs Rapport game is one of my favorite modern games of all time
These ones are 100% on the menu for me in my vacation :) I’m going for a casual 100% passion play diving into ‘the love of the game’. Also, take a guess for the giveaway :)
@ Passion will push you further than anyone that’s only goal oriented! I’ll give it a shot :)
1.Woodpecker Method
2.100 Endgames you must know
3.Calculation by Jacob Aagard
4.Positional Decision Making by Boris Gelfand
5. Techniques of Positional play
You missed one guy when talking about best Scandinavian player, Magnus of course😂
When I became religious (Jewish), I saved money until I had 1000 guilder (then some US$ 500) and went to the kosher bookstore with my transport bike. I looked for 8 hours and spent it all. I mean, it's so boring when you want to learn and have only 1 book.
1. Woodpecker method
2. Under the surface
3. Calculation
4. Jeremy silmans complete endgame manual
5. Artur yusupov book series
1.Woodpecker method
2. From Gm to top tier by Judit Polgar
3. 45 Techniques of positional play
4. Street smart chess
5. Small steps to Giant Improvements
1.the complete manual of positional chess
2.positional decision making by boris gelfand
3.under the surface , jan markos
4.aron nimzowitsch, my system
5.soviet middle game tecnique by peter romanovsky.
i dont know if these are correct but at the end of the day its just a guess,have a nice day chessnerd!
1. Woodpecker method
2. the techniques of positional play
3. 100 endgames you must know
4. chess praxis
5. dvoretsky endgame manual
1.45 techniquies of positional play
2.100 Endgames you must know
3.The complete manual of positional play (series)
4.Street Smart chess
5.woodpecker method.
100 Endgames You Must Know
45 Techniques of Positional Play
Yusopov -- something by Yusupov :)
Small Steps to Giant Improvement by Shankland
Under the Surface by Jan Markos
Bonus pick: Chess Praxis and My System by Aron Nimzovich
1- techniques of positional play
2- 100 endgame you must know
3- woodpecker method
4- pump up your rating
5- Calculation by Jacob Aagard
Great video!
My 5 guesses:
1. Endgame strategy
2. Soviet middle game technique
3. The woodpecker method
4. Advanced chess tactics
5. My system
Woodpecker Method
100 endgames you must know
Calculation by Jacob Aagard
Pump up your rating
Attack and defence by Jacob Aagard
1)100 endgames you must know
2) endgame strategy
3) woodpecker method
4)pump your rating
5) Soviet middlegame techniques
I think these are the 5 Book,s you are going to giveaway , and i also think this are the Book,s that are most efficient for 0-2000 rated players and 99% of your subscribers are in this rating range ❤️✨✨
1. My great predecessor
2. Calculation by Jacob Aagaard
3. Dvorsky's endgame manual
4. The life and games of Mikhail Tal
5. My system
1.woodpecker method
2.under the surface
4.jeremy silmans complete endgame manual
5.artur yusupov book series
please man,please,for that I will be very grateful to you
Nice video Zach! I think you might give away:
1: Calculation by Jacob Aagaard
2: Under the surface by Jan Markos
3: Techniques of Positional play: 45 practical methods to gain the upper hand in chess by Valeri Bronznik & Anatoli Terekhin
4: Small steps to giant improvements by Sam Shankland
5: Pump Your Rating by Axel Smith
Here's hope I might've guessed correctly and win one of these, but statistically that chance is small like check mating your opponent en passant hehe! Anyways, keep up the great video's Zach!
Greetings from The Netherlands.
1.woodpecker method
2.the techniques of positional play
3.100 Endgames you must know
4.advanced chess tactics
5.Calculation by Jacob Aagard
1-woodpecker method 2-Endgame strategy 3-100 endgames you must know 4- Bent bent larsen's best games 5- kings kalashinov sicilian
1. Dvoretsky Endgame Manual
2. Under the Surface by Jan Markos
3. Woodpecker method
4. Calculation by Jacob Aagard
5. Techniques of Positional Play
1 - How to reassess your chess
2 - Silman's complete endgame
3 - 100 endgames you must know
4 - Wood peaker meathod
5 - Dvoretsky's endgame manual
1. 100 endgame patterns you must know
2. Woodpecker Method
3. Positional Decision making in chess
4. Small Steps to giant improvement: the pawns
5. Techniques of positional play
1.100 Endgames you must know
2.The woodpecker method
3.Endgame strategy
4.Pump up your rating
5.45 techniques of position play
1. Woodpecker Method
2. 100 Engames you must know
3. Pump up your Rating
4.How I Beat Fischer's Record
5.My System
1. Woodpecker (which I own)
2. Attack and defense
3. 100 endgames you must know
4. Boost your chess
5. Positional desiscion making
1.100 Endgames you must know
2.The techniques of positional play
3.Calculation by Jacob Aagaard
4.Small steps to Giant improvement
5.Under the surface
1. 100 endgame patterns you must know
2. Endgame strategy
3. Pump up your rating - Azel Smith
4. How I beat Fischer's record - Judit Polgar
5. My System - Aaron Nimzowitscg
Bent Larsen, best Scandinavian player of all time? Are you going to tell Magnus,or shall I?
1.Woodpecker Method
2.100 Endgames you must know
3.Calculation by Jacob Aagard
4.Techniques of Positional play
5. Positional Decision Making by Boris Gelf
1. Woodpecker Method
2. Dvoretsky Endgame Manual
3 100 Endgames You Must Know - Jesús de la Villa
4 advanced chess tactics
5 . Calculation GM Prep by Jacob Aagard
Wait a min
You found them right
1. 45 techniques of positional play
2. 100 endgames you must know
3. The woodpecker method
4. My system
5. Bent Larsen’s best games
1. Endgame strategy
2. Chess evolution 3
3. Woodpecker method
4. Bent Larsen’s best games
5. Small steps to giant improvement by Sam shankhland
1. Yusupov series: build up your chess
2. 100 endgames you must know
3.Techniques of positional play
4.Pump up your rating
5.Under the surface
This is the reason I watch this channel. For the book reviews.
1. 100 Endgames You Must Know - Jesús de la Villa
2. Calculation GM Prep by Jacob Aagard
3. Endgame Strategy by Shereshevsky
4. Positional by Boris Gelfand
5. Woodpecker Method
1. 45 techniques of positional chess;
2. 100 endgames you must know;
3. Boost your chess beyond the basics;
4. The woodpecker method;
5. Judit Polgar’s how I beat Fischer’s record.
1. Shershevski endgame manual
2. My great predecessors
3. Grandmaster preparation: calculation
4. Chess tactics from scratch
5. How to reaccess your chess
1.Woodpecker Method
2.100 Endgames you must know
3.Open Sicilian by Ivan Saric
4.Positional Decision Making by Boris Gelfand
5.Techniques of Positional play
1. 100 Endgames you must know
2. Dvoretsky Endgame Manual
3. Bent Larsen's best games
4. The woodpecker method
5. Pump up your rating
1. Jacob Aagard - Calculation
2. Jesus de la Villa - 100 endgames you must know
3. Lev Psakhis - Advanced chess tactics
4. Aron Nimzowitsch - My system
5. Mihai Suba - Positional chess sacrifices
1. magnus carlsen middlegame evolution
2. woodpecker method
3. the pawns
4. endgame strategy
5. 100 endgame patterns
Bro please can you do another video?, this was so good
1. 100 endgames you must
2. My system
3. Street smart chess
4. Woodpecker method
5. Small steps to giant improvement
Update (December 6th, 2024):
NO ONE has guessed the FULL 5 books YET.
4 PEOPLE have guessed 4 out of the 5 books!!
STILL up for grabs :)
1.Woodpecker Method
2.100 Endgames you must know
3. sicilian kalashinkov by D king
4. pump up your rating
5. 45 techniques of positional Play
1. Dvoretsky Endgame Manual
2. 100 Endgames You Must Know - Jesús de la Villa
3. Under the Surface by Jan Markos
4. Calculation GM Prep by Jacob Aagard
5. 5. Techniques of Positional Play
1. My great predecessors
2. 100 endgames you must know
3. Calculation by Jacob Aagard
4. Calculation Gm prep by Jacob Aagard
5. Dvoretskt endgame manual
1.Woodpecker Method
2. 100 Endgame patterns you have to know
3. Timmans Triumphs
4. Attack and Defence
5. Positional Decision making in chess
The woodpecker method
The endgame strategy
100 end game you must know
My system
Pump up your rating
1. Street smart chess
2. Soviet middlegame technique
3. Calculation
4. Positional decision making
5. The woodpecker method
1. 100 endgames you must know
2. Yusupov series boost your chess level 2
3. Woodpecker method
4. My system
5. Small steps of giant improvement
1. The Woodpecker Method
2. Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual
3. Calculation
4. My System
5. Techniques of Positional Play
If you read all these you will simply have a better understanding of chess! If you apply this understanding your rating will increase. Who knows how strong you could get! I hope to see you at FM or IM. Nathan Resiky started at the age of 23 and became FM at 31. I know you could surpass even that.
1.45 Techniques of positional play
2.Positional decision making
3.The woodpecker method
4.Magnus Carlsen s middlegame evolution
5.Endgame strategy
1. The Woodpecker Method
2. 100 Endgames You Must Know
3. Endgame Strategy by Shereshevsky
4. 45 Techniques of positional play
5. Soviet Middlegame Technique
1.Complete manual of chess
2. Woodpecker method
3. Under the surface
4. 100 endgames you must know
5. Soviet middlegame strategy
1 my system 2)100 end game you must know3) chess praxis 4)100 endgame patern you must know 4)how to reases yure chess 5)timman triump
1: Small steps to giant Improvement
2: Magnus Carlsen Middlegame Evolution
3: Calculation
4: Chess Praxis new translation
5: Kalashnikov Sicilian
1. 100 endgamee you must know.
2. Positional decision making
3. Boost your chess
4. How I beat Bobby Fischer's record.
5. The woodpecker method
I would need more then 2 lives to read all that books lol...
1. Woodpecker methods
2. 45 techniques of positional Play
3. pump up your Rating
4. Endgame strategy
5. Calculation
1. 100 endgames you must know
2&3. Complete manual of positional chess 1 & 2
4. Soviet middlegame technique
5. My system
1woodpecker method
2 How to study on your own workbook (1800-2100)
3 Grandmaster Preparation series by Jacob Aagaard
4 Perfect Your Chess by GM Andrei Volotkin
5 Endgame Strategy by Mikhail Shereshevsky
Guessing the books
1: The woodpecker method
2: 100 Endgames you must know
3 How to Reassess your chess 4
4 pump up your rating
5 my 60 most most memorable
On my mom’s phone btw
1. 100 endgames you must know
2. Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual
3. Calculation by Jacob Aagard
4. Street Smart Chess
5. Soviet MiddleGame Technique
1. 100 Endgames You Must Know
2. The Woodpecker Method
3. My System by Aron Nimzowitch
4. Attack and Defence
5.Small Steps to Giant Improvement
1. 45 technique of positional play
2. Endgame strategy
3. Middlegame and dynamic structures
4. Calculation
5. Street smart chess
A Bonus
6. Small steps to giant improvement
Btw you read a book then why you ordered it again??
1. Endgame Strategy
2. Chess Evolution 3
3. The Woodpecker Method
4. Bent Larsen's Best Games
5. Grandmaster Preparation - Attack & Defence
1.100 endgames pattern
2. 100 endgames u must know
3.Soviet middlegame technique
4.Under the surface by Jan markos
5.Woodpecker method
1- techniques of positional play
2- 100 endgame you must know
3- 45 technique of positional play
4- pump up your rating
5- endgame strategy
You said Techniques twice!
1. 100 endgames you must know
2.Endgame Strategy
3.Bent Larsen's Best Games
4.Small Steps to Giant Improvement
1.Woodpecker Method
2.100 endgames you must know
3.Dvoretsky's endgame Manual
4.How i beat fischer's record
5.Positional Decision Making
1 Dvorestsky Endgame Manual
2 45 Techniques of positional play
3 Small Steps to Giant
Imporvment 2 editon
4 Scilian Open
5 Scilian Kalashinov Kings
1. How I beat Fischers Record
2.Boost your chess
3. Techniques of Positional Play
4. 100 endgames you must know
5. Positional Decision Making
1. 100 Endgames You Must Know
2. The Woodpecker Method
3. Endgame Strategy by Shereshevsky
4. Pump Up Your Rating
5. Street Smart Chess
1.Dvoretsky endgame manual
2.Boost your chess series
3.Jeremy silman endgame mastery
4.I forgor name of Jacob aagard book
5.My great predecessors by kramnik and kamsky.
1.100 Endgames you must know
2.Positional Decision making
3.Boost your chess
4.How I beat Fischers Record
5.Woodpecker Method
1. Endgame strategy
2. 100 endgames you must know
3. Soviet middlegame technique
4. 45 techniques of positional game
5. 100 patterns you must know
(Please I need one of those🙏)
1.45 Techniques of Positional Play
2. 100 Endgames You Must Know
3. Woodpecker Method
4. Timman's Triumphs
5. Soviet Middle Game Techniques
1.100 endgames you must know
3.Build up your chess
4.Boost your chess
5.45 techniques of positional chess
1. Woodpecker method
2. 100 Endgames you must know
3. My System
4. Magnus Carlsen's Middlegame Evolution
5. 5. Pump up your rating
1)Magnus carlsen middle game evolution
2)100endgame you must know
3)Techniques of positional play
4)Endgame strategy
5)Attack and defence
Pump up your rating by Axel Smith
Calculation By Jacob Aagard
Street Smart Chess by Axel Smith
Under the Surface by Jan Markos
Attack and Defence by Jacob Aagard
I would like literally any of them
1. Endgame strategy
2. The woodpecker method
3. 100 Endgames you must know
4. How I Beat Fischer’s Record
5. 100 Endgames Patters you must know
1.woodpeckers method
2.100 endgames you must know
3.woodpeckers method 2
4.advanced chess
5.endgame strategy
1. 100 Engames You Must Know
2. The Woodpecker Method
3. 45 Techniques of Positional Play
4. Streetsmart Chess
5. My System
1.Yusupov series: build up your chess 2. 100 endgames you must know 3. Techniques of positional play 4. The wood pecker method
You named 4, one more!
@thechessnerd 5. Street smart chess
Beautiful stuff✨
1. Woodpecker Method
2. Calculation Gm prep by Jacob Ågaard
3. 100 endgames you must know
4. Dvoretsky endgame manual
5. Attack and defense by Jacob Ågaard
Nice try ❎
Theory of Chess Endings by Alexander Panchenko
Woodpecker Method
Best Games of Bent Larsen
Aagard's Attack and Defense
My 60 Memorable Games by Bobby Fischer
1. Dvoretsky Endgame Manual
2. 100 Endgames you must know
3. woodpecker method
4. Pump up your rating
5. Dvoretzky's Endgame Manual
1 and 5 are the same, go again!